1. I found out I was pregnant with baby #3 the same day (but two years later) as I did Crosby: January 5th. Though with Crosby I found out in a bathroom stall at Roosevelt ;) I always plan to tell Corey is some fun, unique way, but get too excited and blurt it out
2. This baby is due a day after Crosby was: September 18th. Crosby was due the 17th (my birthday) but arrived the 10th, and all three kids will share the birthday month of September. Gwen's birthday is the 7th.
3. I found out I was pregnant at around 3.5 weeks (very early), so the pregnancy tests were VERY light. Corey was unconvinced until I took one several days later and it was much darker :)
4. We told the kids by writing a letter from Santa and including a picture from our first ultrasound.
5. The day after we told the kids, Gwen told her teacher that we (Gwen and I) decided to have a baby and said, "Now we can wear maternity clothes."
6. We have two girls names picked out, but only one boy name. Have any great ones? Send them our way :) We will not find out the baby's gender until he/she is born. We love to be surprised!
Other than our big news, there's nothing too exciting going on around here. Gwen and Corey are excited for their Daddy/Daughter dance this weekend at our church, and we are all looking forward to making the 12 hour trek to see my Grandma and Aunt and Uncle in Ohio over spring break. Gwen continues to work hard in school and is excelling in reading and writing! She loves to play with our neighbor friends, do crafts, and go to ballet. Her recital is coming up in June. Crosby is still the happiest little guy we know, and constantly keeps us laughing (and cleaning). He knows most of his body parts, says too many words to count, loves books and adores his big sister. He is a good listener and is quickly learning from consequences that he needs to obey :) He loves to give kisses and hugs and wear (steal) any hats he sees. Corey is still riding his bike a lot, and spends most nights playing with the kids and cooking us healthy dinners. He often goes and rides in the basement after we're all in bed (what a guy!) so we can still have our family time. I'm busy with school (as always) and the kids. I've been able to spend a lot more time with friends in the past few months, and I'm looking forward to more of those opportunities! Being a young(ish), working parent of two (soon to be three) small children is exhausting, so finding the time to get out and have time to myself is hard. It's a difficult stage of life, and I'm so grateful to have so many friends in similar positions. I am also grateful for their variety of experiences: many of my friends are stay-at-home moms, some work additional jobs on the side, some will home school, some will send their kids to public or private schools, some work full time, some have one child, some have 3 or 4 children, and ALL of them are supportive, loving, and sweet friends. I know very few people with such a diverse and close-knit group of friends. I am so grateful!
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